The first weekend of each season (summer, autumn, winter, spring; next is 1-2 June 2013), is my official, “Check your bike buddies’ butt crack day”. Do society a favour and tell your cycling mates if they are showing excess crack.
I see many riders with worn out lycra cycling knicks or bib shorts showing far too much of their butt crack. Most of them are totally unaware that they are showing so much cheeky crack.
What is excess butt crack?
Any amount of butt crack showing through your cycle knicks is excess crack. Your riding buddies, and society in general, really do not need to see your cheeky crack shining through.
Excess butt crack most often occurs when an old faithful pair of cycle knicks has become thread bare. The lycra material in the cycle knicks is just too thin to shield society from the dangers that lie beneath!
What can you do?
On the first weekend of each season (summer, autumn, winter, spring), it is okay to tell your mates that you have been checking out their arse and they are showing excess crack. On these four weekends of the year, we promise we will not question your sexual orientation. Man up and tell your mates that the view from behind is terrible!!
An easy way to do it is to just flick them a link to this page and tell them that they are suffering. Informing your mates in a fun and humorous way may be more your style. Here are some starters:
- “The moon is shining brightly today!”
- “Houston. We have a problem. The Grand Canyon is clearly visible.”
Please share in the comments box below your fun and humorous ways to tell your cycling mates that they are showing excess crack!
As I pass someone showing too much, I yell out, “Hairy crack up!” Jim.
I tell them, “You just reminded me I need to pay my crack dealer.”
“Say no to crack.”
Great post! I created a cycling jersey to help remind people of this problem. Keep up the good work!