Tag Archives: Acoustic Guitar

Playing Rocksmith with an acoustic guitar

Rocksmith guitar game

Rocksmith makes the bold statement that the game can be played with any real guitar. I have three acoustic guitars (steel string) and my kids have two classical guitars (nylon string). It is time to test their claim. I own a Yamaha FG720S, a Yamaha F310P and a Cort Earth-Mini guitar. My kids’ guitars are half-size and three-quarter-size Jose Ferrer El Primo classical guitars. Despite having a Roland Cube 15XL electric guitar amplifier, I do not currentlymore »

Yamaha FG720S acoustic guitar review — a great go-to guitar

The Yamaha FG720S is a great go-to guitar. Value for money, it is hard to beat with good build quality; a pleasing rich, bright sound; and good intonation. The FG720S guitar holds its tuning well, and looks and feels like a good quality guitar. Background I purchased my Yamaha FG720S guitar about four years ago on special for $450 from Allan’s Music. It seemed to be the best value for money guitar on the marketmore »

Yamaha F310P acoustic guitar review

I originally bought a Yamaha FG720S acoustic guitar to learn on. They are about $500 in Australia, but I bought mine on special for about $450 from Allans Music in Queen Street Mall in Brisbane. I got the FG720S home and found that I was not using it. I have a three-year-old daughter, and unfortunately I had to store the guitar out of her reach. This meant that it was not easy tomore »

Guitar lessons

A couple of months ago I had the great idea of learning to play guitar. In my teens, I played saxophone, and before that a bit of piano. Guitar seems much cooler. So I bought a Yamaha FG720S acoustic to learn on. It plays well, but I have a three year old daughter, so I can’t leave the guitar lying around. I therefore bought myself a cheap Yamaha F310P acoustic that I canmore »