Tag Archives: Kites

PKD Buster II 2m and Prism Stylus P3 comparison

The wind was blowing, the sun was shining, and I took the opportunity to take my two biggest parafoil traction kites down to my local park for a back-to-back comparison. My wind gauge was indicating 5 knots to 10 knots, gusting to 15 knots. The two kites on test were a PKD Buster II 2m and a Prism Stylus P3. The Buster II with its four lines is more complicated to set upmore »

PKD Buster II 2m – first flight

I have finally got around to flying my PKD Buster II 2m. I bought the kite second hand off eBay before going on holidays to the beach. I had grand plans of spending some hours flying kites on the sand, but sadly children and visiting relatives got in the way. Yesterday I got the chance to scoot down to my local park to put the Buster II up for an hour. According tomore »

Kite quiver

Having just bought a yellow PKD Buster II 2m parafoil power kite off eBay, I thought that it was time to take stock of my kite quiver. Here goes: 1 x PKD Buster II 2m 1 x Prism Stylus P3 1 x Prism Hypnotist 1 x Premier Kites Speed Foil 1x 1 x High as a Kite Rascal Stunt Kite 1 x HQ Ready Sleddy 1 x KiteOL Speed Foil KM5009 (it flies crapmore »

Accidental purchase: PKD Buster II 2m

I have ‘accidentally’ purchased a yellow PKD Buster II 2m parafoil kite on eBay. Sometimes I place bids on eBay to test the market strength. In this case I placed a bid fully expecting to be outbid and not being particularly concerned about chasing the price. When the auction closed, I found that I had bought myself a kite! Cool!! I bought the yellow PKD Buster II 2m parafoil kite for about $60more »

eBay: To buy or not to buy? That is the question.

Don’t you just love all the bargains that you can buy on eBay? … or is that, hate all the overpriced rubbish on eBay? I guess caveat emptor — let the buyer beware — applies. I got burnt when I bought a one cent KiteOL Speed Foil KM5009 kite (check out the last review) off eBay. I guess you could ask, ‘What did I expect from a one cent kite?’ But I also paid $19more »

WindGuru weather forecasting web site

Found the WindGuru (Wind Guru) weather forecasting web site during the week through someone’s post to rec.kites. Pretty amazing technology. Basically, once you have registered (for free) and logged in, you can set custom spots for weather forecasts for any place on earth! I have set a spot down at my local park where I regularly fly kites, and then another spot at a park further away that I sometimes fly at. The twomore »

Kite comparison

I had the chance to get in a few hours flying today in good breezes. This allowed me to test and review a few of my kites back-to-back; something that I normally don’t get to do when I am only out for an hour down at the local park. At one stage I had five sets of lines across the park with the five kites firmly anchored down. According to my old wind gauge,more »