Tag Archives: Launceston

Tasmania Zoo in Launceston, Tasmania — photos

We took our children to visit Tasmania Zoo in Launceston, Tasmania. The zoo has a large variety of wildlife — apparently the largest collection of native and exotic animals in Tasmania. While my photos do not show it, birds are a large part of the zoo’s collection of animals. The animals of interest to my family were the Tasmanian Devils. The zoo has a breeding program aimed at combating the Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD), whichmore »

Visiting Launceston, Tasmania and Bridgestowe Estate Lavender Farm — photo

After settling in to our accommodation, we went for a walk around the Launceston CBD, including The Quadrant and The Mall. My three year old and six year old easily managed a leisurely stroll around the CBD — Launceston is a small city. A recurring theme in Tasmania is the lack of children’s play equipment in parks. There was a play ground in Queens Park and a few swings in another park, but apartmore »