Tag Archives: Worm Farm

Dog poo worm farm nuked

After two years of successful operation of a dog poo worm farm (blog post 1, 2), I accidentally nuked it. The last time I gave my dogs an intestinal worm tablet, I promptly forgot about it. I remembered a couple of days later, but by then I had put several lots of poo in the worm farm. The worm tablet had gone right through my dogs and their worm tablet tainted poo nukedmore »

Dog poo worm farm update

Some time back I wrote a few handy tips on keeping a dog poo worm farm in working condition. I have been using a Reln Can-O-Worms to good effect for a couple of years. However, the dog poo worm farm has, quite frankly, become a bit stinky of late. My long suffering wife reckons that I have a theory for everything, and this is no different. 1) In the last six months our smallmore »

Dog poo worm farm

Disposing of dog poo can be difficult for suburban dog owners. Over the years we have tried practically everything, from wrapping and putting it in the rubbish bin, to the biological digesters that go in the ground. Nothing worked well — and in fact some were downright disgusting and nauseating! And then along came the worm farm — I bought a Reln Can-O-Worms and never looked back. We have a Hungarian Vizsla and amore »